


裕興鋁鋅壓鑄(股)公司成立於1978年。三十多年來,我們秉持品質第一、價格公道,交貨準時、服務誠懇之理念, 在鋁鋅壓鑄界永續經營,從廠地200坪擴展至現在2700坪。主要製作之產品包括抽水馬桶配材、出水口、水龍頭把手、切管器、照明配件、裝飾配件、封蓋和 落水杯、浴室配件等,提供DIY市場及各種鋁、鋅的產品OEM代工,現在正邁向ODM領域,產品通過IAPMO認證。

U Hsing Die-Casting Corporation was established in 1978. For over 30 years, We have been one of good and regular manufactory of Zinc and Aluminum of die-casting in Taiwan, the major products included plumbing equipment; faucet handle,tools; lighting accessories; interior decoration pieces; cover and base of weatherproof switch; parts of bathroom accessories and all kinds of aluminum and zinc products.